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Why Do Good People Do Bad Things?

Trust has been shattered, void has been created in our lives by the misdeeds of those we trusted most.

Virtues to Rise and Thrive

Frameworks and Rituals to Live and Lead Ethically

It has lead me to ask a simple question, why do people known for integrity and doing good, engage in unethical, and even heinous behaviours?

Especially when they have attained, what most define as being successful - they have money, power and prestige and risk it all.

People fail because (even when they may have started off well with great intentions), along the way they have fallen prey to seductions of external gratification over inner satisfaction. Their senses have overtaken their moral standings. This may well be because they have never found the true purpose of life, lost touch of their moral bearings or respect for conducting out their duty. Our research indicates it is mainly because along the way they stopped regulating their senses, they stopped looking inwards for the right answers, stopped giving thanks and became prey to external sense gratifying, ego pumping factors.

In essence, they have been consumed by lust, greed, anger, infatuation, arrogance and / or envy. So how does one not stray is the question?

In the 17thcentury, the Dutch philosopher, Spinoza, famous for his comprehensive work on ethics, said: ‘All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare. We do not find joy in virtue because we control our lusts, but counter wise, because we find joy in virtue we control our lusts’.
I wrote in my first book 'Rise Warrior Rise' that 'Virtues is about strength of will, self-respect, sound habit of mind and heart, that inspires one to serve something greater than oneself, helping one to stay grounded in the face of external permeance of success. It is a life based on solid virtues that gives rise to personal standards of excellence and professional effectiveness'. And my personal experience has taught me that we must daily cleanse and purify ourselves so we are not overtaken by the lustful pull of our environment and senses.

So what are the virtues to rise and thrive, that you must master to become the master of your life, a servant to no one and free for ever in clarity and strength?

We turn to what was prescribed on the battlefield of Kurukshetra 5,000 years ago, which are even more relevant today in our modern world. You will find these virtues, modern day rituals and scientifically validated, easy to implement practises anytime, anywhere, in my book 'Rise Warrior Rise'. You may also choose, as many organisations have, to have me guide you through my in-person course or keynotes - Virtuous, Stand for something - frameworks and rituals to live and lead ethically.

Rise Warrior Rise

You can buy the book 'Rise Warrior Rise' to get you started or book for the course at Feel free to contact us directly at Info@populis.comfor a key note or any of our other people performance services.



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